Prison Break

What do you think of when you hear the word prison? Society always associates it with negative descriptions and dark characteristics. Growing up we know that prison is not a place where we want to find ourselves, but what if you find yourself locked away and have no idea how you got there?

Have you ever felt like a prisoner to yourself? You are stuck somewhere, and you have absolutely no idea how to move on. You just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend...or your best friend is no longer there anymore...or you're failing most of your classes and you're now watching your future goals and aspirations go down the drain. Whatever it may be, I am sure at some point we have all felt like a prisoner trapped for a certain amount of time with no idea of what is coming next.

"For the Lord hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners."
Psalm 69:33

I love this bible verse because at one time I was in prison mentally. I really questioned how God could ever love someone who doubted His abilities. I wanted to throw my life away, the life that God had given me, and I thought I was nothing short of a disappointment to the man who put me here. I talked to God and instead of fixing everything, He was only making it worse...or so I thought. This was one of the most transforming times in my spiritual life, and while I despised it then I couldn't be more thankful for it now.

He was listening the entire time. Every negative thought, every tear I cried, every failed attempt at putting my life back together, every moment of every day that I asked for Him to just make everything normal again. He was listening to every word spoken, and He has answered each prayer accordingly. Many of those prayers He still hasn't answered yet, but maybe that's because I'm not ready to know what His answer may be.
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

For all my prisoners out there, you are not alone and you never have been. You may feel stuck in a certain stage of your life and right now you can't see the big picture. That's the amazing thing about Jesus. He doesn't want you to have to worry about it all because He is in control. He has planned out each and every aspect of your life so that you wouldn't have to. Sometimes when I find myself overwhelmed or anxious about the future I simply talk to God. "Lord, I may not see what you are doing now but I pray that You will reveal it to me later. All in your time."That's my prayer for not only myself but for the people in my life. I hope they will have the ability to "let go and let God' because ultimately He is in control.

With Love & Laughter,
