2017. Let's Be Adventurous.

I grew so much as a person during these last twelve months. I found such love and support within thepeople surrounding me, and I am continuously reminded how blessed I am by the littlest things in life. For starters, this handsome man and myself celebrated one year of love and laughter. Asti is a constant reminder of how good the Lord has been to me, and I know this next year will exceed both of our expectations. It's hard to remember a time before him where my heart was this full and my smile this genuine. 

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful." 
Proverbs 15:13

This last year allowed me to form one of the greatest friendships that college has to offer. Although Danielle is two years younger than me, the connection we made over Starbucks coffee is one that can never be replaced. I can confidently say that I can count on one hand the amount of people who know and understand me as a person from the inside out. Many of those people have known me for my entire life, but Danielle understood me from our first encounter together. We have shared an equal amount of laughter and tears over the course of last year, but the growth we have made through our friendship has been life changing for my college experience. 

"Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love. "
Ephesians 6:24 

As for this next year, I do not recall ever feeling so at peace for what is to come. I am slowly but surely finishing up my applications for Graduate School, and I know the Lord will send me where He sees fit. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to continue my babysitting job with the same family I have worked for during these last two years. Who would have thought that two elementary-aged girls could teach me so much about myself?

As for this next month, I have been given the chance to travel abroad with a group of classmates for most of January. We will be serving the people of El Salvador and Costa Rica, and I have never been more excited for my first trip out of the country. I had my first plane ride back in December, and I feel better prepared for this trip than when I initially decided to go on it. If you are the praying kind, I ask for positive thoughts and good vibes as many students of LaGrange are traveling to various places throughout the next few weeks. Our college has given us an amazing opportunity to become involved within other countries, and I know the Lord is using each one of us according to His will. If you see either of my parents, give them an extra hug or two as my father has sworn off watching the news for the next three weeks. They are very nervous about the baby of the family traveling abroad, but I cannot wait to share with them all of my new experiences. 

The best news is I will be documenting my trip each day. I invite you to join me in this unforgettable journey that is sure to mold my heart in various ways. I wish you all the best as we embark on this new year. It is sure to be full of His blessings. 

With Love & Laughter, 
