Seek It. Find It. Hold On To It. Share It.

If you take a look at my last post, you will notice I have been away from the blogging world for quite some time. I have sat down many times and typed something up, but then I ended up deleting it because I didn't feel right publishing it. I started my blog almost three years ago, and its purpose has always revolved around being a personal published journal that someone out there may be able to connect with. Sunday has always been my day to reflect on my week and think about my God moments. Let me catch you up to speed, if you wish to continue reading... 

I graduated in May 2017 with a Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology. It has by far been the best decision I have ever made in my educational career. I moved to Texas a few months ago to pursue a Master's in Family and Child Studies with an emphasis in Child Life. It is quite a mouthful, and I usually spend the following five to ten minutes explaining what I actually want to do with my life. The beautiful thing about this career is I am constantly reevaluating what I want to do with it. At the end of the day, my goal is to work with children and their families who are dealing with the crazy curve balls that life sometimes throw at us. 

As some of you may know, there was a horrific shooting at a church in south Texas last weekend. I was on the phone with my Mom when the headline was flashing across the news. I had just left church, and the thought of someone walking into the house of God to take the lives of others left a huge pit in the middle of my chest. I found myself easily distracted in church this morning. With everything that had happened the weekend before in south Texas, I was constantly checking my surroundings and not participating in worship the way I usually do. Worship is my time to talk to God, and I have started reminding myself that crying every Sunday during worship does not always mean sadness. For me, crying during worship is my ultimate way of showing gratitude and love for our Heavenly Father. I cannot begin to explain the feeling of when I connect to a song so much that I feel God's presence. It's a private moment.

The preacher quickly gained my attention in his message when he spoke on caring deeply for others. How important is this message for our world right now? We looked at 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, but I would like to share the portion that stood out to me the most. 

"For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory." 1Thessalonians 2: 11-12

Our preacher challenged us to care for others in the way that God has proclaimed. He said in order to care for others deeply, we need to: Take a risk for the sake of loving people. Share your own life. Love one another. Those three things. They seem simple right, so why aren't we taking action?

Since moving to Texas, I have found myself talking about my walk with God more in day to day conversations with other people. I truly believe moving to Texas and going to graduate school was an act of God. I hope and pray that sharing my life with those I hold close with allow them to seek and find Jesus. He has and always will be my source of strength because for a point in my life He was all I had. He was the one I could yell at, argue with and love on all within five minutes without fearing judgement or rejection. Talk about someone who cares deeply...Jesus does.

The most powerful words spoken in church this morning were, "When you know who you are and whose you are, you begin to care deeply." I'm getting emotional just thinking about the meaning behind that statement. It took me twenty-one years to figure out who I was and who God truly was. I say this all the time, but after graduating college I made it a life mission to make sure anyone and everyone knows they are worthy of this life and worthy of God's love. Saying it is so simple but the fight comes in believing it. This is something I care deeply about, and it has been since I accepted all the Lord has called for on my life. 

Instead of making a list of all things you don't find worth your time, dedicate five minutes to figuring out things and people that you care deeply about. How can you extend that love and passion into other areas of your life? If I have learned one thing since moving away away from home, it has been to look for the God moments that no one else notices. The beautiful times in someone else's life that bring joy to my own. I think that is what caring deeply feels like. When you love someone or something so much that a bad day is turned upside down through someone else's joy. Seek that joy. Find it. Hold on to it and share it. 

With Love & Laughter, 
