The Call

I did it. I completed my first year of my master's program, and I survived being over 900 miles away from home. Did you think I would make it because I was skeptical in the beginning? Flashback to last August when I finished having breakfast with my parents following a weekend of them helping me move into my new apartment. They drove away for the fourteen hour drive back to Georgia, and I remember big tears just strolling down my face. It was becoming so real in that one moment, and I was so scared. I wasn't going to be able to just pick up my keys and make the forty-five minute drive home like I could during my undergraduate years. Visits home would be limited to 2-3 times a year, which meant all of my favorite people would be limited with face-to-face interactions. If anything, I really thought this last semester would have finished me off for various reasons, but I prevailed and God is still good. Isn't He always?

I wanted to just share a quick update with everyone, as I have had tons of questions about what my life will look from this point on. Let's be honest, I have no idea, and I am thrilled about it. Honestly. I know it's hard to believe coming from Alison, "The Ultimate Planner of her Every Day Life." For the summer, I will be commuting to Austin three times a week as a Child Life Practicum Student at Dell Children's. I will also be continuing my work as a full-time Graduate Research Assistant, while taking four online classes spread throughout these next three months. Good thing I love staying busy because these next three months are sure to keep me on my toes. In the Fall I will apply for Child Life Internships all over the United States, and hopefully in October I will have an idea of my location for the Spring. Internships are highly competitive, but I know "all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Which leads me into the whole point behind this post. Friends and family have been throwing questions at me left and right lately about when I am coming back to Georgia or if I'll be making Texas my new home state. Regardless of what my sister tells everyone, (Haha) my plans post-graduate school are up in the air. I don't know if I'll be back in Georgia in the coming years or even Texas for that matter. I know I have been called by Him to Texas for the time being. My calling has continually been encouraged by the opportunities I have been given to work with children and their families in so many diverse settings. I can say when one door closes another one opens right behind it. I have met so many amazing people from all across the world. Professors, students, children and families that I know I would not be the same without meeting and working alongside. 

"The Lord had said to Abram, 'Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all people on Earth will be blessed through you.'"
Genesis 12:1-3

I made a decision a little over a year ago to pack my bags and move over 900 miles away from home because I felt a calling. I still feel that calling today, and I pray every day that I am being used according to God's plan and purpose. I know for the time being, my heart is here in Texas. I have so many friends and family back home supporting me, and I will never be able to thank them enough for all of the positive words and messages of encouragement. They keep me going during the moments of homesickness and worry or doubt. 

As the summer moves along, I will continue to enjoy my desk view inside my favorite little coffee shop. This place helps me keep my sanity while enjoying a fresh wood-fired iced coffee. If you are ever in the Austin area, look up Summer Moon Coffee Bar. They have so many locations, and I promise you will not be disappointed in what they have to offer. 

With Love & Laughter, 
