
The Call

I did it. I completed my first year of my master's program, and I survived being over 900 miles away from home. Did you think I would make it because I was skeptical in the beginning? Flashback to last August when I finished having breakfast with my parents following a weekend of them helping me move into my new apartment. They drove away for the fourteen hour drive back to Georgia, and I remember big tears just strolling down my face. It was becoming so real in that one moment, and I was so scared. I wasn't going to be able to just pick up my keys and make the forty-five minute drive home like I could during my undergraduate years. Visits home would be limited to 2-3 times a year, which meant all of my favorite people would be limited with face-to-face interactions. If anything, I really thought this last semester would have finished me off for various reasons, but I prevailed and God is still good. Isn't He always? I wanted to just share a quick update with eve

I've Started Wrestling

You've probably taken interest in what I have to say because the idea of me wrestling someone left you either confused or laid out on the floor in laughter. Unfortunately for me, I've been wrestling against an opponent I am never going to beat. He stands taller and stronger than anything I could ever imagine, and He constantly reminds me that I can't avoid Him. The wise words from our preacher last Sunday reminded us, "It's okay to be wrestling with God, but just know God never loses." Amen. For me, it isn't the physicality of wresting with God that leaves me mentally exhausted and emotionally numb. I have chosen to get into the ring with him over the last three months for circumstances I have quickly realized I can not get through on my own. I am sitting here thinking back to where I was six months ago with tears welling up because I am nowhere near where I thought I would be. I had this beautiful watercolor painting in my head of what life would

Seek It. Find It. Hold On To It. Share It.

If you take a look at my last post, you will notice I have been away from the blogging world for quite some time. I have sat down many times and typed something up, but then I ended up deleting it because I didn't feel right publishing it. I started my blog almost three years ago, and its purpose has always revolved around being a personal published journal that someone out there may be able to connect with. Sunday has always been my day to reflect on my week and think about my God moments. Let me catch you up to speed, if you wish to continue reading...  I graduated in May 2017 with a Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology. It has by far been the best decision I have ever made in my educational career. I moved to Texas a few months ago to pursue a Master's in Family and Child Studies with an emphasis in Child Life. It is quite a mouthful, and I usually spend the following five to ten minutes explaining what I actually want to do with my life. The beautiful thing about t

Im Thinking Out Loud

 Adulting: to behave like an adult; to do the things adults regularly have to do The concept is quickly approaching, as college graduation is a little over a month away. Every time I tell someone that I am spending my undergrad studying psychology, they always come back with "Where are you getting your Master's Degree? I didn't initially choose Psychology as a major not because I didn't love it, but because I knew I would have to continue my education. Loans are a real and powerful thing, and I wasn't able to commit to a degree that pretty much required me to go to graduate school. Here I am four years later deciding between graduate schools because the Lord has continued to bless me with the opportunity of decision making.  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 Peace is such a beautiful thing. Anxiety and fear has tak

2017. Let's Be Adventurous.

I grew so much as a person during these last twelve months. I found such love and support within thepeople surrounding me, and I am continuously reminded how blessed I am by the littlest things in life. For starters, this handsome man and myself celebrated one year of love and laughter. Asti is a constant reminder of how good the Lord has been to me, and I know this next year will exceed both of our expectations. It's hard to remember a time before him where my heart was this full and my smile this genuine.  "A happy heart makes the face cheerful."  Proverbs 15:13   This last year allowed me to form one of the greatest friendships that college has to offer. Although Danielle is two years younger than me, the connection we made over Starbucks coffee is one that can never be replaced. I can confidently say that I can count on one hand the amount of people who know and understand me as a person from the inside out. Many of those people have known me for my en

We Love Because God First Loved Us

When God began guiding me to change my major last semester, I had no idea what all He had in store for me. Now as I sit here with my last few days of Junior year ahead of me, I cannot help but reflect on the last year of my life and how many adjustments have occurred in what has felt like a short period of time. I have learned many valuable lessons along the way, and many of those lessons have continued throughout my time as a college student. In January I decided to add on a Sociology minor to my Psychology major, and I do not think I have been more interested in a subject since changing my major in the Fall. I have taken courses highlighting basic sociological concepts, and I have been in classes which focus on society's influence in specific fields such as education. Overall, I have increased my knowledge and interest not only regarding children but people in general. I have become fascinated with studying the way humans interact with one another physically, mentally, and

Prison Break

What do you think of when you hear the word prison? Society always associates it with negative descriptions and dark characteristics. Growing up we know that prison is not a place where we want to find ourselves, but what if you find yourself locked away and have no idea how you got there? Have you ever felt like a prisoner to yourself? You are stuck somewhere, and you have absolutely no idea how to move on. You just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend...or your best friend is no longer there anymore...or you're failing most of your classes and you're now watching your future goals and aspirations go down the drain. Whatever it may be, I am sure at some point we have all felt like a prisoner trapped for a certain amount of time with no idea of what is coming next. "For the Lord hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners." Psalm 69:33 I love this bible verse because at one time I was in prison mentally. I really questioned how